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Friday, March 18, 2011

Why roundabouts sucks and what can engineers do about it.

Roundabouts are not great for high volume traffic, they actually suck, all those give way make way crap that you have to obey, not to mention morons who don't really know how to go round it properly.

Well, here's a good news, engineers have designed a new junction called vortex junction, it's a great alternatives for traffic lights and roundabouts.

Click to enlarge

As you can see, traffic entering the intersection uses the outside lane, then transitions to the inside exit lane, which then transition to an off ramp and either goes over or under the circular lane. It eliminates the trouble of entering motorists fighting exiting motorists for position, and vice versa. In other words, everyone is going in the same direction which is "to the left" or right depending on where you live, Cool huh.

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