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Sunday, April 3, 2011

Why Malaysian Music Videos Suck

Alright, I think I’m done with this, am I the only one who realize this? I’m not a fanatic fan of local movies, music or their music videos, well, not anymore, but here’s one thing, I can’t help but notice the suckness of Malaysian music videos (and movies for that matter), no matter who’s the singer.

Now I’m not going to fire anyone for their singing talent due to my lack of talent in spotting a good singer. But the music video, OMG, really Malaysians? Really?

Here is an example of a good Music video;

So, did you watch it? Great, now let me give you a couple of info on that video, it was produced under a limited budget and it took only four people to make that video. It was shoot using Canon 7d and edited using Sony Vegas. Okay, now let’s watch another music video;

This music video, is an “Official Music Video”, let me repeat, “Official” music video for an artist named Altimet for his song Kotarayaku;

Can you spot the difference? Now like I said, I don't want to comment anything about the song – because I don’t really like rap music – but the music video looks like it was made using a very-very cheap camera, and almost no editing at all. How hard is it to produce a bloody decent music video? Come on lah you guys, how hard is it? An Official music video gets its *ss kicked by a bunch of people using only Canon 7d and a cheap editing software (Okay to be honest, I don’t know how much the software cost), but if a bunch of normal people can do it, Oh well, you get the point.

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