Africa, the land of Genocide, Corruption, and famine, it’s safe to say that nothing good can come from Africa except from the recent FIFA World Cup coverage and a couple of tigers in Zoo Negara. So naturally I don’t trust Africans (Mat Negro) that much. Recently, I went to a third world country (which is not in Africa) and have a little chat with an African man; he was a South African citizen, and he introduced himself as Hussein or Hassan (I don’t really remember his name), so long story short, he is one of the thousands of really horny African men who really-really want to come to Malaysia, so, as a well informed Malaysian about the subject of what’s going on in his country when it comes to “Mat Negro”, I acted stupid, trust me, you don’t want to know the reasons he gave me for wanting to come to Malaysia, because most of them are bullsh*t (well, actually all of them are Bullsh*t), but the interesting part was “how”, so, how do you think these Negros came to our country? There are many ways for them to enter this country, the most famous is to use a student pass, but this Hussein guy wanted to enter Malaysia as a tourist guide, so he can take some of us to South Africa and introduce his country to us, really?, so naturally, I acted impressed, he said that he needed me to find a good contact person in Malaysia to give him some kind of a pass to enter Malaysia legally because he said that he has been blindly rejected by Malaysian embassy when he tried to a apply for a visa (LOL, I wonder why).
So there you go, another Mat Negro trick uncovered, you can now add that to the list of tricks used by Mat Negros in Malaysia including black money, fake made-in-Africa-goods, and of course, the famous I-have-inherited-1-million-dollar-and-I-need-you-to-keep-that-money-for-me scam, also known as the Nigerian money scam. I don’t know what happened to that Hussein guy because I just gave him my fake phone number and e-mail address.

So, what else? What could possibly happen if these Negros come to Malaysia?
Well, This, A Malaysian girl, from Sarawak, her name is Marylyne Sandra Sapat,22, and she has been persuaded by a Negro to be his lover by buying her laptop, Belanja makan, etc, in the end, she ends up in jail somewhere in China awaiting death penalty for smuggling in 0.7 Kg of heroin. As I’m writing this, I ask myself one question;
What the hell is wrong with Malaysian girls?
As you know, African men are very good conversationalists because they can cheat and persuade whomever they please, in other words, they’re very good at “Talking Cock”. Now, enter the dumb, naïve, stupid, easily influenced, weak-minded, emotionally driven Malaysian Girls (usually Malay, Sabahan and Sarawakian girls who came from the Kampungs and I did say “usually”). Haven’t you girls ever read the news, or are you just too busy playing Facebook to give a crap about what’s happening in the real world out there? And why it is always (well mostly) the Bumiputra girls who falls for this sh*t? Why not Chinese or Indian girls? Well let me tell you why, before I say this, I wanted to apologize in advance because what I’m about to say will be ugly.
WARNING: If you’re a Bumiputra girl who can’t take a little criticism, then I suggest you don’t read what I’m about to write next. I don't want to be held responsible for your emotional breakdown. I'll say it as it is.
The reason why only Bumiputra girls who falls for this sh*t is because Bumiputra girls are cheap, and I don’t mean cheap as in calling them a whore, what I mean cheap is that we (as guys) don’t need to spend a lot of money to date you, we just need to be caring enough to persuade you to do anything, and that can get and will get you into trouble, so Chinese girls are expensive then? Well, sort of, ask any Chinese guy and the answer is simple, “Money”, if you don’t have it, you can kiss her *ss goodbye. To date a Chinese girl, you must have lots of Money, a house, a car and everything else that makes living in this country pleasant, Mat Negros, don’t have any of those. Am I suggesting that Bumiputra girls should be like the Chinese? Well, no, all I’m saying is that their different attitudes towards guys, saved their *sses from getting screwed by Negros.
So lesson learned then, first, don’t trust African men and second, if you’re a girl, especially a Malay girl, DON’T BE STUPID.
I'm piss off at those Awang Hitams because they don't consider us Asians as people of color and also victims of European colonozation. Instead they accuse us of being the White man and discriminate them because of their skin color. Since when did Chinese, Malay , Indian, etc colonize Africa and enslave their anchestors ?
ReplyDeleteI can't stand most blacks because of their lack of family values and anti-social behaviours.
But good people of malaysia please dont get me wrong, I'm not in suport of any body who dealling with drugs or using innocent people for such game, it is evil, 2ndly, there i go again, back to my point, let's call a spade, a spade, i pity the young innocent girl who was used for such evil, pls don't put the blame on her, as no one is perfect, beside you as a man should know very well that evry girls brain or senses is in their eye's, girls do believe on what they saw at that particular moment, i never meant that she is cheap, but to the very best of my knowledge, she never knew what she is been used for!! and the chinese government should also know that she is been used for that, now my question is why must they kill her? i sware with quran and my fathers grave, Non of those people who sentence the young innocent girl to death, non of them will ever sware and survive it that they hav'nt deal't with drugs, as in to sale it and make money from it even till tomorrow they are full time drug deallers, ofcoz i know chinese very well, and each and every one of them know's that the young girl is guilty free of that, Finally,to my fellow african's, scammers or no scammers, i don't care, but as for risking people's precious life as if it worth nothing, just because of money omg, please lets advice our self's, as we all have conciennce, please if you wana deal with drug!! that is your own case, but don't involve any body on such game, its quite evillllll, mostly girls who are giving to you as a man to take good care of and not to betray her, where is the trust? please lets advice our self's and be good to one another,
ReplyDeleteMegax care for u
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ReplyDeleteThe black man you met is not from South Africa, I'mm pretty sure of that.
ReplyDeleteYou have never been to South Africa before, so SHUT YOUR DIRTY MOUTH.
S.A is far more better than Malaysia. If you don't know, now you know.
Get that into your thick brain short PIG.
The writer is plainly stupid. Firstly, if he was any wiser, he would have known that South Africans don't need a visa to enter Malaysia unless they want to stay longer than 3 months.
ReplyDeleteSecondly, if he is really Malaysian as he claims then his orientation of Chinese ladies is seriously flawed. Isn't the "1-Malaysia" program working? How come you have no idea of the real lifestyle of one of the major races in your country? It looks like some Chinese girl screwed with his mind in relation to his broke ass. Go get a real job mate.
Thirdly, anyone who falls for any scam (online or otherwise) is dumber than a boutique doll. Greed, ignorance and simple plain stupidity are the root causes, period!.
Fourthly, I don't really understand what "Mat Negro" means but from my research. It simply means black. So saying it twice is what? Negro is a race, of dark skinned peoples mainly but not limited to the continent of Africa as not all Africans are negroid people especially North Africans, Afrikaans of South African (dutch-heritage)or Malagasy or Indian heritage Africans.
Finally, you began your idiocy by saying you went to a third world country (not in Africa). Are you not from a third world country too?
Africa - you know nothing about excerpt a minute details which doesn't in any way explain a general knowledge of the continent or it's peoples.
You didn't act stupid as you imply; You are in fact stupid and coming out online to display it, is an even dumber move. Let's see what you think of your post a decade from now.
Dude, malaysia is not a third world country. Get you facts right
ReplyDeleteIs ReAl currently in malayasia
ReplyDeleteIs ReAl currently in malayasia