Okay, this just in, if you live in Malaysia, you can officially say goodbye to Megaupload.com, thepiratebay.org, movie2k.to, filestube.com and many more (the entire list is in the scanned documents) because the Malaysian government is trying to ban most file sharing websites.

What the hell was our government thinking? Honestly, our government needs to know what “internet” means, “internet” means we can share whatever we want to whomever we want, whenever we please. Trying to ban things on the internet is a ridiculous move. Okay;
Dear Malaysian government,
If you guys are reading this, I have a massage for you, if you guys are trying to ban some website due to some copyright infringement lawsuit whatever (or trying to ban “cetak rompak”), you guys are doing it wrong, what you guys need to do is ban the internet itself, not just some of it, you guys need to be more like North Korea and less like the rest of the world.
Seriously, what possible outcome does our government is trying to archive? All I could think of is nothing. There’s no possible way that this move will end up giving anybody, any good. The “tauke” of the “kedai cetak rompak” will certainly be pleased of course, but what else? If you (the government) think that file sharing sites is only for downloading pirated movies and software, you’re dead wrong, that’s like banning gas subsidies because some of us might take advantage of it (and some of us do take advantage of it), you win some you lose some, pros and cons, that’s normal. If our government is serious on trying to ban “cetak rompak” prone website, they also need to ban Youtube.com or better yet, Google itself because it gives us so much info on how, where, and what to download stuff illegally.
And one more thing, I’ve noticed that one of the banned website was thepiratebay.org, what? Torrent is a freaking software, not a website, banning the website won’t stop people from downloading torrents you idiot, what about isohunt.com, or mininova.com, and even if you guys have succeeded in banning all those torrent sites, all we need to do, is find a bunch of tiny little torrent files (which we can get them from anywhere), and then start downloading stuff again, no problem.
The bottom line is, it’s impossible to ban something on the internet (Bill Gates’ said so), that’s like trying to ban Paris Hilton’s sex tape from floating around the internet, it’s a losing battle, you guys won’t win, not unless you shut down TMNet and ban the internet all together.
i like this! and i agree.. malaysian government suck big time!!
ReplyDeleteI think it's time to change our government, BN has ruled for more than 50 years. Their system is definitely totally 100% outdated already. We wanna go forward, not backward. Wake up Malaysians, don't be puppets